I love learning about new things, and divination systems are no exception. I came across this particular system wile searching for books on another topic. The book I read was “The Art of Lithomancy” by Jessica Howard, whom has been practicing Lithomancy for 20+ years. While I have used runes (both Elder Futhark and Witches ’Runes), and have used crystals to clarify during a card reading, I have not practiced lithomancy specifically. If you do happen to find or create your own set, it could definitely be used as a clarifier with other divination systems, it is also a system all on its own.
Lithomancy is a form of divination that uses rocks, crystals, and other items such as bones and shells to answer questions much like runes or tarot cards do. One of the interesting things about this system is how customizable it is. While you can buy premade sets, it is quite easy to make your own as well. There are several types of sets you can find that correspond to the planets, astrological signs, chakras, or basic question concepts like money/health/protection/love/the elements/etc... If you decide to make your own, you can use whatever type of set or a combination of sets that work for you. Also, if making your own, you can choose to use stones and other items that correspond to the meaning you apply to that stone, and you can draw corresponding symbols/letters/numbers on them. Just like bones or runes, the crystals/rocks are cast onto a flat surface. This can be open (like a table or the floor), or closed (like into a box), and you can use a blank surface or a cloth/board divided into boundaries/sections. Whether you buy a set or make one, you can also add a personal stone to make readings a bit easier. This stone represents the querent (the one asking the question), and in a reading, becomes the center from which the reading is done, reading from the center outward. If a personal stone is not used, then the reading generally starts from the bottom (closest to the ones casting) up. The idea behind making your own set it to intuitively provide each stone/crystal/item with a meaning (that resonates with you) and then charge it with that intent. While you can find many books on the meanings of objects/crystals, what is important here is what it means to you. Like all divination systems, one’s intuition is a vital component, however, the total customizability of this system does have the potential to make it much more personal. So, how do you prefer your divination system? Do you prefer a system with rules and set meanings, or would you rather one that you can mold into whatever suits your personal style? As someone whom prefers oracle over tarot, but also likes to use runes, I fall somewhere in between. I was drawn to the idea of the planetary set, and the healing applications for the chakra set. When I created my own sets of Witches’ Runes I was drawn to use stones that corresponded to the meaning of each stone, so that aspect also appeals to me. What about you? If you want to learn more I recommend reading Jessica Howard’s book. It isn’t very long (at 86 pages), but it is a good introduction to the topic.
For those who have not heard about cord cutting, it is a great way to cut connections with people, places, or events that may be causing you pain, sucking energy from you, or drawing negative energy to you. The theory is basically that cords are created whenever we meet/interact with someone. If the interaction is brief, the cords may be thin and weak, and even may dissolve themselves on their own, as long as the interaction was not emotionally charged (and therefore more memorable). Stronger cords are formed the longer we interact with them, the more emotionally charged the situation or relationship is, and the more ties we have to them (other connections like family, friends, work, etc.. are involved). These cords work both ways, since the more time, energy, and thought we put into a person/situation the more we feed it/build that connection. Cutting these cords can cut back on the negative impact these people/situations have on us. That said, doing this just once may not be sufficient to fully clear the negative connection. Sometimes it has to be done multiple times, especially if the connection is particularly strong.
While we generally focus on the negative cords that are attached to us, they are not necessarily always a bad thing. We create these cords with everyone, and some of our relationships will be mostly positive. We can cut cords with people we care about to clear the energy between us and someone we care about as well. Cutting the cords does not mean cutting them out of our lives. Sometimes we just need to pull back some of our energy that we are pouring out to others and create a healthy boundary, because people don’t always realize how much they depend on us (take from us energetically), or we don’t see how much we are giving until we just can’t anymore. It is just a little bit of self-care so we don’t over extend ourselves. To cut cords you need a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted until you are finished. The first phase involves envisioning the person, place, or situation you want to cut cords with in as much detail as possible. Try to use as many of your senses as you can. Don’t worry if you cannot reference all of them, not everyone is good at visualizing, or recreating smells or tactile sensations. Just do your best. Name them (or the place/situation), and open yourself to them. Notice how they/it makes you feel. Now try to visualize the cord attaching you to them/it. Notice how it looks, try to feel how it is connected to you. Before you try and cut the cord either say (out loud or in your head) that you are taking back what belongs to you, and giving back what belongs to them, or feel yourself taking back your energy/power into yourself and pushing theirs away from you back through the cord. You should do this with compassion. Even if it is someone/something negative, you are simply giving/taking back, not feeding it more energy. Once you have separated and taken back what is yours, you can then cut the cord. How you do this is up to you. You can envision some sort of weapon to cut it with (sword, lightsaber, axe, scissors, etc..), or pull it out like a plug; whatever works for you. This will leave a “wound” where the cord was attached. You can heal this wound by visualizing one of the elements to help you, like fire to cauterize it, or water to wash it away. You could also heal it with energy like white or violet light, Reiki (should you be attuned), or any other method that works for you. Once you have done this, the last phase (though not necessary if you feel you are done with it), is to let it go. I like to envision whatever/or whomever I have just cut cords with on a small floating island that is tethered to a chain or rope that I am holding. By releasing the chain/rope I am letting go of it, thereby releasing its hold on me. If it was something negative, I like to envision myself releasing a flaming arrow at it just to solidify I am truly done with it. However, if it was something/someone I still care about I would release it with love. You may have to repeat this process several times to be sure it is done. It is not a one-and-done kind of solution. Like all work on the self it takes time and effort. If you are cutting cords with something negative you will want to consider whether you can cut contact with it/them completely so more cords are not created or the remaining ones are not strengthened. If you cannot cut it/them out completely, then you should repeat this process regularly to lessen their/its impact on you. Have you ever done this kind of work before? Is this the method you use, or similar to it? Would you try this method? When it comes to drawing in or deflecting certain energies, a popular method used is to create either a talisman or an amulet. I have seen these two terms used interchangeably; however, this is not exactly so. Let’s break it down.
An amulet is described as an item (like a trinket or piece of jewelry) that provides protection Wikipedia says “the word "amulet" comes from the Latin word amuletum, which Pliny's Natural History describes as "an object that protects a person from trouble"”. Whereas, a talisman is said to be an object of magical power that attracts good luck. Meriam-Webster describes the origins of this word as “The English language may have borrowed talisman from French, Spanish, or Italian; all three include similar-looking words for a lucky charm that derive from an Arabic word for a charm, ṭilsam. Ṭilsam traces to ancient Greek telein, which means "to initiate into the mysteries."”. Both of these magical objects can include sigils or writings and are charged with the particular intent they were created for. They are both, also, often beautiful and inconspicuous ways to carry a magical object with purpose out in the open without attracting undue attention. Sometimes we can create one without really meaning to. This can happen when we buy an item like a ring or pendant that has a sigil/symbol on it that already holds meaning to us, like a pentagram, the evil eye, or a four-leaf clover. We already believe that symbol holds a particular power or meaning for us, and so we project that intent onto it whenever we use it or carry it with us, thus charging it with that intent. That said, regardless of what you call it, it is the intent you put into it that matters most. The rest is semantics (which I know I can be a bit picky about sometimes, but that is a “me” problem lol). Are you a crafty witch? Do you like to make your own amulets/talismans, or buy them and cleanse/charge them for your own purpose? Or is it all situationally dependent? Often, when we hear the words vibrational healing, we think of sound. Our minds go to tools like singing bowls, tuning forks, vocalizations, or frequencies played on machines, for the most part. However, that is not what is always meant. As you may already know, we all vibrate at our own frequencies, as does everything in this world. Everything from physical things like plants and animals, as well as nonphysical things like thoughts and emotions. Some of us can feel those vibrations on a conscious level (like empaths or sensitives), and others are more aware of them at a subconscious level, like when we get a “good” or “bad” feeling about someone just by being around them. We usually refer to this as our intuition or a “gut feeling”. Either way, we are picking up on the vibrations around us, and using that information to make decisions. We can also harness that information to help us heal.
When it comes to vibrational healing, there are two prominent theories I am aware of. The first is treating like with like. This happens a lot in homeopathy, where the practitioner would determine what the issue is, let’s use a poison as the cause of your problem. They would then take that same poison and dilute it to the point where the actual poison is no longer detectable in the solution, but the vibration of the poison remains (a principle akin to Bach’s Flower Essences). This dilution is then given to the patient. The idea being that the two same frequencies would cancel each other out. The other theory is that of opposing vibrations of the same frequency would cancel each other out. The comparison here would be like playing the same chord on a piano, but different octaves. The example for this I found in “The Hidden Messages in Water” by Masaru Emoto, where he describes how opposing emotional vibrations can be used to heal us. Some of the examples he gave were: Gratitude to heal issues cause by Hate Kindness to heal issues caused by Anger Presence of mind to heal issues caused by Pressure (stress) I would like to point out here that it is widely accepted that negative emotions and emotional stress can (eventually) cause damage at a physical level. This shows that one’s emotional wellbeing is very important to overall health. By learning how to tune into our own bodies and personal frequencies we can learn to recognize when things feel wrong or “off”, and deal with them before they become a physical issue. That sounds pretty amazing to me. Either theory can be used on a physical, emotional, or spiritual level. The point of both is to use one frequency to cancel out the other. So, regardless if you fancy using physical tools like singing bowls, tuning forks, and/or vibrational medicine (like Bach’s Flower Essences), or you prefer less tangible tools that look more like self-care and shadow work, you can utilize vibrations to heal. If you suffer from any health conditions/issues, have you considered if they have emotional roots? Would you be willing to explore that avenue? Do you tune into your body regularly, or do you wait until you have physical symptoms? Have you ever asked someone what you (energetically) feel like to them? Are you curious? |
AuthorNot just a writer, I am also an eclectic solitary practitioner, Reiki Master, and Shadow Worker. Archives
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