For those who have not heard about cord cutting, it is a great way to cut connections with people, places, or events that may be causing you pain, sucking energy from you, or drawing negative energy to you. The theory is basically that cords are created whenever we meet/interact with someone. If the interaction is brief, the cords may be thin and weak, and even may dissolve themselves on their own, as long as the interaction was not emotionally charged (and therefore more memorable). Stronger cords are formed the longer we interact with them, the more emotionally charged the situation or relationship is, and the more ties we have to them (other connections like family, friends, work, etc.. are involved). These cords work both ways, since the more time, energy, and thought we put into a person/situation the more we feed it/build that connection. Cutting these cords can cut back on the negative impact these people/situations have on us. That said, doing this just once may not be sufficient to fully clear the negative connection. Sometimes it has to be done multiple times, especially if the connection is particularly strong.
While we generally focus on the negative cords that are attached to us, they are not necessarily always a bad thing. We create these cords with everyone, and some of our relationships will be mostly positive. We can cut cords with people we care about to clear the energy between us and someone we care about as well. Cutting the cords does not mean cutting them out of our lives. Sometimes we just need to pull back some of our energy that we are pouring out to others and create a healthy boundary, because people don’t always realize how much they depend on us (take from us energetically), or we don’t see how much we are giving until we just can’t anymore. It is just a little bit of self-care so we don’t over extend ourselves. To cut cords you need a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted until you are finished. The first phase involves envisioning the person, place, or situation you want to cut cords with in as much detail as possible. Try to use as many of your senses as you can. Don’t worry if you cannot reference all of them, not everyone is good at visualizing, or recreating smells or tactile sensations. Just do your best. Name them (or the place/situation), and open yourself to them. Notice how they/it makes you feel. Now try to visualize the cord attaching you to them/it. Notice how it looks, try to feel how it is connected to you. Before you try and cut the cord either say (out loud or in your head) that you are taking back what belongs to you, and giving back what belongs to them, or feel yourself taking back your energy/power into yourself and pushing theirs away from you back through the cord. You should do this with compassion. Even if it is someone/something negative, you are simply giving/taking back, not feeding it more energy. Once you have separated and taken back what is yours, you can then cut the cord. How you do this is up to you. You can envision some sort of weapon to cut it with (sword, lightsaber, axe, scissors, etc..), or pull it out like a plug; whatever works for you. This will leave a “wound” where the cord was attached. You can heal this wound by visualizing one of the elements to help you, like fire to cauterize it, or water to wash it away. You could also heal it with energy like white or violet light, Reiki (should you be attuned), or any other method that works for you. Once you have done this, the last phase (though not necessary if you feel you are done with it), is to let it go. I like to envision whatever/or whomever I have just cut cords with on a small floating island that is tethered to a chain or rope that I am holding. By releasing the chain/rope I am letting go of it, thereby releasing its hold on me. If it was something negative, I like to envision myself releasing a flaming arrow at it just to solidify I am truly done with it. However, if it was something/someone I still care about I would release it with love. You may have to repeat this process several times to be sure it is done. It is not a one-and-done kind of solution. Like all work on the self it takes time and effort. If you are cutting cords with something negative you will want to consider whether you can cut contact with it/them completely so more cords are not created or the remaining ones are not strengthened. If you cannot cut it/them out completely, then you should repeat this process regularly to lessen their/its impact on you. Have you ever done this kind of work before? Is this the method you use, or similar to it? Would you try this method?
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AuthorNot just a writer, I am also an eclectic solitary practitioner, Reiki Master, and Shadow Worker. Archives
February 2025
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